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Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535345


Objectives: To present a simple form of vocal and breathing conditioning for voice professionals based on concepts from vocal science. The vocal conditioning program called Voice Athletes Conditioning uses the principles of exercise physiology to gradually improve vocal and respiratory overload to achieve endurance, power, and flexibility. Methods: Due to our personal experience with high voice users, we synthesized a vocal conditioning program (AVCP) that combines voice science, exercise physiology, sports science and physical therapy principles. This is an 8-week program of daily vocal and breathing exercises with overload enhancement each week using different types of breathing devices and semi-occluded vocal tract exercises, designed and developed according to the specific requirements and performance of the voice professional. Reflections: Professional voice users often experience episodes of vocal fatigue that can directly affect their performance and vocal health. As with physical training for athletes, voice exercises can also contribute to improving vocal conditioning, preventing voice disorders, as well as helping to obtain better performance, greater tolerance to fatigue and shorter recovery time. Conclusions: AVCP is an approach that considers the principles of muscle training aimed objectively at the respiratory and vocal muscles, carried out with a variety of breathing devices and specific vocal exercises in search of greater performance time, less physiological stress, and shorter recovery time in the professional use of the voice.

Objetivos: Presentar una forma sencilla de acondicionamiento vocal y respiratorio para profesionales de la voz, basada en conceptos de la ciencia vocal. El programa de acondicionamiento vocal denominado Voice Athletes Conditioning utiliza los principios de la fisiología del ejercicio para mejorar gradualmente la sobrecarga vocal y respiratoria, con el fin de lograr resistencia, potencia y flexibilidad. Métodos: Debido a nuestra experiencia personal con usuarios de voz aguda, sintetizamos un programa de acondicionamiento vocal (AVCP) que combina principios de la ciencia de la voz, la fisiología del ejercicio, las ciencias del deporte y la fisioterapia. Se trata de un programa de 8 semanas de ejercicios vocales y respiratorios diarios con realce de sobrecarga cada semana utilizando diferentes tipos de dispositivos respiratorios y ejercicios semioclusivos del tracto vocal, diseñado y desarrollado de acuerdo con los requerimientos específicos y el rendimiento del profesional de la voz. Reflexiones: Los usuarios profesionales de la voz experimentan a menudo episodios de fatiga vocal que pueden afectar directamente su rendimiento y salud vocal. Al igual que ocurre con el entrenamiento físico de los deportistas, los ejercicios vocales también pueden contribuir a mejorar el acondicionamiento vocal, prevenir trastornos de la voz, además de ayudar a obtener un mejor rendimiento, una mayor tolerancia a la fatiga y un menor tiempo de recuperación. Conclusiones: El AVCP es un enfoque que considera los principios del entrenamiento muscular dirigido objetivamente a la musculatura respiratoria y vocal, realizado con diversos aparatos respiratorios y ejercicios vocales específicos en busca de un mayor tiempo de actuación, menor estrés fisiológico y menor tiempo de recuperación en el uso profesional de la voz.

CoDAS ; 36(2): e20230055, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520737


ABSTRACT Purpose To compare the speech and voice patterns of myasthenia gravis (MG) patients over four years, and correlate the results with clinical aspects of the disease. Methods Data was collected for 4 years. The clinical assessment tools included the Quantitative Myasthenia Gravis (QMG) score, the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA) clinical classification, and the Myasthenia Gravis Quality of Life 15-item Scale (MG-QoL). To assess speech, the recorded speaking tasks were analyzed acoustically and given auditory-perceptual ratings. Sex (equal distribution) and age (p=0.949) were used as matching criteria in the final sample, which consisted of 10 individuals in the MG group (MGG) and 10 individuals in the control group (CG). Results After 4 years, the MG participants presented stable health status, increased mild and moderate dysarthria (from 40% to 90% of the subjects), and a significant deterioration in the respiration, phonation, and articulation subsystems. The acoustic analysis showed a decline in articulatory patterns (speech rate p=0.047, articulation rate p=0.007, mean syllable duration p=0.007) and vocal quality (increased jitter p=0.022). In the follow-up comparison, there was a significant difference between the phonation variables (shimmer and harmonic-to-noise ratio) of the MGG and CG. Conclusion The MG patients presented a decline in speech over four years and an increase in mild and moderate dysarthria. Despite presenting stable health status, their respiratory, phonatory, and articulatory subsystems worsened. There was no correlation between speech patterns and clinical characteristics of the disease (severity and motor scale).

RESUMO Objetivo Comparar o padrão de fala e voz de indivíduos com Miastenia Gravis (MG) em um intervalo de quatro anos e correlacionar com aspectos clínicos da doença. Método A coleta de dados foi realizada ao longo de 4 anos. A avaliação clínica foi composta pelo Quantitative Myasthenia Gravis Score (QMGS), pela Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America Classification (MGFA) e pela escala de qualidade de vida para Miastenia Gravis (MG-QOL). A avaliação da fala foi composta por gravação de tarefas, análise perceptivo-auditiva e análise acústica. A amostra final foi composta por 10 indivíduos em MG e 10 indivíduos no grupo controle (GC), pareados por sexo (distribuição igualitária) e idade (p=0,949). Resultados Após 4 anos, os indivíduos com MG apresentaram estabilidade clínica, aumento do diagnóstico de disartria leve e moderada (de 40% para 90% dos sujeitos) e diminuição significativa no desempenho dos subsistemas da fala: respiração, fonação e articulação. Na análise acústica, houve declínio do padrão articulatório (taxa de fala p=0,047, taxa de articulação p=0,007, duração média das sílabas p=0,007) e qualidade vocal (jitter aumentado p=0,022). Houve diferença significativa nas variáveis fonatórias (shimmer e harmonic-to-noise ratio) entre os grupos MG e GC na comparação do seguimento. Conclusão Indivíduos com MG apresentaram declínio no padrão de fala em um intervalo de quatro anos, com aumento no número de disártricos (leve e moderado). Mesmo com a estabilidade da doença, houve piora dos subsistemas respiratório, fonatório e articulatório. Não houve correlação entre o padrão de fala e as características clínicas da doença (gravidade e escala motora).

CoDAS ; 36(2): e20230050, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520738


RESUMO Objetivo realizar a adaptação transcultural dos instrumentos Vocal Congruence Scale (VCS) e o Transgender Scale Congruence (TSC) para o português brasileiro. Método o estudo foi desenvolvido em duas etapas: adaptação transcultural e pré-teste. 1. Adaptação transcultural: foi composta por uma equipe de dois fonoaudiólogos e dois não-fonoaudiólogos, sendo responsáveis pela tradução para o português (um fonoaudiólogo e um não-fonoaudiólogo nativos do português brasileiro - PB e falantes do inglês), de modo independente, com posterior consenso realizado pelos pesquisadores; retrotradução para o inglês (um fonoaudiólogo e um não-fonoaudiólogo nativos do inglês e falantes do PB); análise da versão final por um comitê (um tradutor, um metodologista, e três fonoaudiólogos). 2. Etapa de pré-teste: os instrumentos foram aplicados em 38 indivíduos transgêneros (29 mulheres trans, 2 travestis e 7 homens trans), sendo acrescido na chave de resposta a opção "não aplicável". Os dados foram analisados de forma descritiva e inferencial. Resultados No processo de adaptação transcultural do VCS houve ajustes em cinco itens do questionário, quatro deles quanto à forma e um quanto ao conteúdo. Para o TSC também foram necessários ajustes quanto a forma em cinco itens. No pré-teste, para todos os itens dos instrumentos, a opção não aplicável apresentou proporção significativamente menor que as opções da chave de resposta dos instrumentos. Por fim, foi obtida uma versão traduzida e adaptada para o português dos dois instrumentos. Conclusão Os instrumentos foram transculturalmente adaptados para o português brasileiro e nomeados como Escala de Congruência Vocal e Escala de Congruência da Pessoa Transgênero.

ABSTRACT Purpose to carry out the cross-cultural adaptation of the Vocal Congruence Scale (VCS) and the Transgender Scale Congruence (TSC) instruments into Brazilian Portuguese. Methods the study was developed in two stages: cross-cultural adaptation and pre-test. 1. Cross-cultural adaptation: it was composed of a team of two speech therapists and two non-speech therapists, being responsible for the translation of the instruments into Portuguese (a speech therapist and a non-speech therapist native to Brazilian Portuguese - BP and English speakers, independently, with subsequent consensus achieved by the researchers; back-translation of the instruments into English (a speech therapist and a non-speech therapist who are native speakers of English and speakers of BP); analysis of the final version by a committee (a translator, a methodologist, and three speech therapists). Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. Results In the cross-cultural adaptation process of the VCS there were adjustments in five items of the questionnaire, four of them in terms of form and one in terms of content. necessary adjustments regarding form in five items. In the pre-test, for all VCS and TSC items, the non-applicable option had a significantly lower proportion than the instrument response key options (p<0.001, for all). Finally, a translated and adapted version for Brazilian Portuguese of the Vocal Congruence Scale (VCS) and the Transgender Scale Congruence (TSC) instruments was obtained. Conclusion The VCS and TSC were transculturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese and named as Vocal Congruence Scale and Transgender Person Congruence Scale.

CoDAS ; 36(2): e20230002, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520741


RESUMO Objetivo Investigar o impacto imediato na voz de cantores gospel com e sem queixa vocal após uma apresentação individual de uma hora. Método Aplicação de um questionário online que abordou os seguintes aspectos: 1 - Dados sociodemográficos; 2 - Autoavaliação da habilidade de cantar pelo protocolo Evaluation of the Ability to Sing Easily (EASE-BR); 3 - Autoavaliação de sintomas de fadiga vocal pelo Índice de Fadiga Vocal (IFV); e 4 - Autoavaliação da desvantagem vocal pelo protocolo Índice de Desvantagem Vocal 10 (IDV-10). Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo Com Queixa (CQ) e Grupo Sem Queixa (SQ) com base no escore total do IDV-10. Os dados passaram por análise estatística descritiva e inferencial considerando o nível de significância de 5%. Resultados Participaram 43 cantores gospel com idade mediana de 34 anos, divididos entre 32 do grupo SQ e 11 do grupo CQ. O grupo CQ autorrelatou rouquidão e maior dificuldade ao cantar no EASE e maiores escores nos protocolos IDV-10 e IFV. Foi evidenciada correlação positiva entre a dificuldade ao cantar e a desvantagem vocal com a fadiga de cantores amadores gospel, sendo que essa correlação foi maior para o grupo SQ. Conclusão Cantores com queixa vocal apresentaram maiores índices de fadiga vocal, desvantagem vocal e maior dificuldade para cantar após uma hora de apresentação. Cantores sem queixa podem ter a habilidade de cantar prejudicada pela fadiga vocal. Variações na habilidade ao cantar e desvantagens vocais de cantores amadores gospel podem ter relação direta com a fadiga vocal.

ABSTRACT Purpose To investigate the immediate impact on the voice of gospel singers with and without vocal complaints after a one-hour individual presentation. Methods Application of an online questionnaire that addressed the following aspects: 1 - Sociodemographic data; 2 - Self-assessment of the ability to sing using the Evaluation of the Ability to Sing Easily (EASE-BR) protocol; 3 - Self-assessment of vocal fatigue symptoms using the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI) protocol; and 4 - Self-assessment of voice handicap using the Voice Handicap Index 10 (VHI-10) protocol. Participants were divided into two groups: Group with Vocal Complaint (WVC) and Group with no Vocal Complaint (WnVC) based on the total score of the IDV-10. Data underwent descriptive and inferential statistical analysis with a significance level of 5%. Results The study included 43 gospel singers with a median age of 34 years: 32 were in the WnVC group and 11 were in the WVC group. The WVC group reported hoarseness and experienced more difficulty while singing in the EASE, resulting in higher scores in both the VHI-10 and VFI protocols. A positive correlation was observed between singing difficulty and vocal handicap due to fatigue in amateur gospel singers, with this correlation being stronger within the WnVC group. Conclusion After one hour of performance, singers with vocal complaints exhibited higher rates of vocal fatigue, vocal disadvantage, and greater difficulty in singing. Singers without complaints may have their ability to sing impaired by vocal fatigue. Variations in singing ability and vocal handicaps in amateur gospel singers may be directly related to vocal fatigue.

CoDAS ; 36(2): e20230080, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528449


RESUMO Objetivo Realizar a adaptação transcultural do Instrumento de Rastreio para a Disfonia (IRD-Br) para o Português Europeu (PE). Métodos Foi realizada a adaptação transcultural do IRD-Br para o PE de acordo com as seguintes etapas: tradução, retrotradução, análise de um comitê de especialistas e pré-teste. Na etapa de pré-teste, participaram 30 indivíduos disfônicos com idades entre os 18 e 87 anos, sendo 24 do sexo feminino e 6 do sexo masculino. Resultados Foi necessária a inserção de um enunciado na versão em PE do instrumento. Houve divergência na retrotradução do título, sendo resolvida na análise do comitê de especialistas. Um item apresentou divergência na tradução e na retrotradução, sendo definida a versão final na análise do comitê de especialistas. Um item e a chave de resposta apresentaram consenso em todas as etapas. No pré-teste, todos os itens receberam 100% de respostas sim ou não, e nenhum recebeu resposta não aplicável. Conclusão A adaptação do IRD-Br para o PE foi bem sucedida. A versão para o português europeu do instrumento foi denominada de Instrumento de Rastreio para a Disfonia em português europeu - IRD-PT.

ABSTRACT Purpose To perform a cross-cultural adaptation of the Brazilian Dysphonia Screening Tool (DST-Br) for European Portuguese (EP). Methods The cross-cultural adaptation of the DST-Br for EP was carried out in four stages: translation, back-translation, expert committee review, and pre-testing. The pre-testing involved 30 dysphonic individuals (24 women and 6 men) aged between 18 and 87 years old. Results An additional statement was required in the EP version of the instrument. Disagreement in the back-translation of the title was resolved through an expert committee review. One item presented discrepancies in the translation and back-translation, with the final version determined through an expert committee review. One item and the answer key reached a consensus in all stages. During pre-testing, all items received 100% "yes" or "no" responses, and none were marked as "not applicable". Conclusion The cross-cultural adaptation of DST-Br for use in EP was successfully carried out. The European Portuguese version of the instrument was named the Instrumento de Rastreio para a Disfonia em português europeu (IRD-PT) / Dysphonia Screening Tool in European Portuguese.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535323


High-resolution manometry (HRM) is a motility diagnostic system that measures intraluminal pressure of the gastrointestinal tract using a series of closely spaced pressure sensors. The topographic plot generated by HRM software makes it possible to visualize phonation pressures at the pharynx, UES, and body of the esophagus in real time, indicating pressure intensity by color, which permits easy data interpretation. It has been largely used for swallowing study and dysphagia diagnosis. Due to the proximity of the pharyngoesophageal and laryngeal structures, this technology instigated voice researchers. Despite the few studies published so far, high-resolution manometry has yet proven to be an extremely useful tool in obtaining entire pharyngoesophageal segment pressure measurements during phonation. It also allows natural voice production not interfering with the mouth area. HRM data already brought light to subglottic pressure, vertical laryngeal excursion, cricopharyngeal muscle activation, air flow, muscle tension associated with vocalization and pressure variations associated with different phonatory stimuli.

La manometría de alta resolución (HRM, por sus siglas en inglés) es un sistema de diagnóstico de motilidad que mide la presión intraluminal del tracto gastrointestinal mediante una serie de sensores de presión dispuestos de manera cercana. El gráfico topográfico generado por el software de HRM permite visualizar las presiones de fonación en la faringe, el EEI y el cuerpo del esófago en tiempo real, indicando la intensidad de la presión mediante colores que facilitan la interpretación de los datos. Ha sido ampliamente utilizado para el estudio de la deglución y el diagnóstico de la disfagia. Debido a la proximidad de las estructuras faringoesofágicas y laríngeas, esta tecnología ha despertado el interés de los investigadores en voz. A pesar de los pocos estudios publicados hasta ahora, la manometría de alta resolución ha demostrado ser una herramienta extremadamente útil para obtener mediciones de presión de todo el segmento faringoesofágico durante la fonación. Además, permite la producción natural de la voz sin interferir en el área de la boca. Los datos de HRM ya han arrojado luz sobre la presión subglótica, la excursión laríngea vertical, la activación del músculo cricofaríngeo, el flujo de aire, la tensión muscular asociada con la vocalización y las variaciones de presión asociadas con diferentes estímulos fonatorios.

Codas ; 36(2): e20230080, 2023.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38126594


PURPOSE: To perform a cross-cultural adaptation of the Brazilian Dysphonia Screening Tool (DST-Br) for European Portuguese (EP). METHODS: The cross-cultural adaptation of the DST-Br for EP was carried out in four stages: translation, back-translation, expert committee review, and pre-testing. The pre-testing involved 30 dysphonic individuals (24 women and 6 men) aged between 18 and 87 years old. RESULTS: An additional statement was required in the EP version of the instrument. Disagreement in the back-translation of the title was resolved through an expert committee review. One item presented discrepancies in the translation and back-translation, with the final version determined through an expert committee review. One item and the answer key reached a consensus in all stages. During pre-testing, all items received 100% "yes" or "no" responses, and none were marked as "not applicable". CONCLUSION: The cross-cultural adaptation of DST-Br for use in EP was successfully carried out. The European Portuguese version of the instrument was named the Instrumento de Rastreio para a Disfonia em português europeu (IRD-PT) / Dysphonia Screening Tool in European Portuguese.

OBJETIVO: Realizar a adaptação transcultural do Instrumento de Rastreio para a Disfonia (IRD-Br) para o Português Europeu (PE). MÉTODOS: Foi realizada a adaptação transcultural do IRD-Br para o PE de acordo com as seguintes etapas: tradução, retrotradução, análise de um comitê de especialistas e pré-teste. Na etapa de pré-teste, participaram 30 indivíduos disfônicos com idades entre os 18 e 87 anos, sendo 24 do sexo feminino e 6 do sexo masculino. RESULTADOS: Foi necessária a inserção de um enunciado na versão em PE do instrumento. Houve divergência na retrotradução do título, sendo resolvida na análise do comitê de especialistas. Um item apresentou divergência na tradução e na retrotradução, sendo definida a versão final na análise do comitê de especialistas. Um item e a chave de resposta apresentaram consenso em todas as etapas. No pré-teste, todos os itens receberam 100% de respostas sim ou não, e nenhum recebeu resposta não aplicável. CONCLUSÃO: A adaptação do IRD-Br para o PE foi bem sucedida. A versão para o português europeu do instrumento foi denominada de Instrumento de Rastreio para a Disfonia em português europeu - IRD-PT.

Comparação Transcultural , Disfonia , Masculino , Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Disfonia/diagnóstico , Inquéritos e Questionários , Portugal , Traduções , Brasil
Codas ; 36(2): e20230050, 2023.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37909548


PURPOSE: to carry out the cross-cultural adaptation of the Vocal Congruence Scale (VCS) and the Transgender Scale Congruence (TSC) instruments into Brazilian Portuguese. METHODS: the study was developed in two stages: cross-cultural adaptation and pre-test. 1. Cross-cultural adaptation: it was composed of a team of two speech therapists and two non-speech therapists, being responsible for the translation of the instruments into Portuguese (a speech therapist and a non-speech therapist native to Brazilian Portuguese - BP and English speakers, independently, with subsequent consensus achieved by the researchers; back-translation of the instruments into English (a speech therapist and a non-speech therapist who are native speakers of English and speakers of BP); analysis of the final version by a committee (a translator, a methodologist, and three speech therapists). Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. RESULTS: In the cross-cultural adaptation process of the VCS there were adjustments in five items of the questionnaire, four of them in terms of form and one in terms of content. necessary adjustments regarding form in five items. In the pre-test, for all VCS and TSC items, the non-applicable option had a significantly lower proportion than the instrument response key options (p<0.001, for all). Finally, a translated and adapted version for Brazilian Portuguese of the Vocal Congruence Scale (VCS) and the Transgender Scale Congruence (TSC) instruments was obtained. CONCLUSION: The VCS and TSC were transculturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese and named as Vocal Congruence Scale and Transgender Person Congruence Scale.

OBJETIVO: realizar a adaptação transcultural dos instrumentos Vocal Congruence Scale (VCS) e o Transgender Scale Congruence (TSC) para o português brasileiro. MÉTODO: o estudo foi desenvolvido em duas etapas: adaptação transcultural e pré-teste. 1. Adaptação transcultural: foi composta por uma equipe de dois fonoaudiólogos e dois não-fonoaudiólogos, sendo responsáveis pela tradução para o português (um fonoaudiólogo e um não-fonoaudiólogo nativos do português brasileiro - PB e falantes do inglês), de modo independente, com posterior consenso realizado pelos pesquisadores; retrotradução para o inglês (um fonoaudiólogo e um não-fonoaudiólogo nativos do inglês e falantes do PB); análise da versão final por um comitê (um tradutor, um metodologista, e três fonoaudiólogos). 2. Etapa de pré-teste: os instrumentos foram aplicados em 38 indivíduos transgêneros (29 mulheres trans, 2 travestis e 7 homens trans), sendo acrescido na chave de resposta a opção "não aplicável". Os dados foram analisados de forma descritiva e inferencial. RESULTADOS: No processo de adaptação transcultural do VCS houve ajustes em cinco itens do questionário, quatro deles quanto à forma e um quanto ao conteúdo. Para o TSC também foram necessários ajustes quanto a forma em cinco itens. No pré-teste, para todos os itens dos instrumentos, a opção não aplicável apresentou proporção significativamente menor que as opções da chave de resposta dos instrumentos. Por fim, foi obtida uma versão traduzida e adaptada para o português dos dois instrumentos. CONCLUSÃO: Os instrumentos foram transculturalmente adaptados para o português brasileiro e nomeados como Escala de Congruência Vocal e Escala de Congruência da Pessoa Transgênero.

Pessoas Transgênero , Voz , Humanos , Comparação Transcultural , Brasil , Idioma , Traduções , Inquéritos e Questionários
Codas ; 36(2): e20230002, 2023.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37991054


PURPOSE: To investigate the immediate impact on the voice of gospel singers with and without vocal complaints after a one-hour individual presentation. METHODS: Application of an online questionnaire that addressed the following aspects: 1 - Sociodemographic data; 2 - Self-assessment of the ability to sing using the Evaluation of the Ability to Sing Easily (EASE-BR) protocol; 3 - Self-assessment of vocal fatigue symptoms using the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI) protocol; and 4 - Self-assessment of voice handicap using the Voice Handicap Index 10 (VHI-10) protocol. Participants were divided into two groups: Group with Vocal Complaint (WVC) and Group with no Vocal Complaint (WnVC) based on the total score of the IDV-10. Data underwent descriptive and inferential statistical analysis with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: The study included 43 gospel singers with a median age of 34 years: 32 were in the WnVC group and 11 were in the WVC group. The WVC group reported hoarseness and experienced more difficulty while singing in the EASE, resulting in higher scores in both the VHI-10 and VFI protocols. A positive correlation was observed between singing difficulty and vocal handicap due to fatigue in amateur gospel singers, with this correlation being stronger within the WnVC group. CONCLUSION: After one hour of performance, singers with vocal complaints exhibited higher rates of vocal fatigue, vocal disadvantage, and greater difficulty in singing. Singers without complaints may have their ability to sing impaired by vocal fatigue. Variations in singing ability and vocal handicaps in amateur gospel singers may be directly related to vocal fatigue.

OBJETIVO: Investigar o impacto imediato na voz de cantores gospel com e sem queixa vocal após uma apresentação individual de uma hora. MÉTODO: Aplicação de um questionário online que abordou os seguintes aspectos: 1 - Dados sociodemográficos; 2 ­ Autoavaliação da habilidade de cantar pelo protocolo Evaluation of the Ability to Sing Easily (EASE-BR); 3 - Autoavaliação de sintomas de fadiga vocal pelo Índice de Fadiga Vocal (IFV); e 4 - Autoavaliação da desvantagem vocal pelo protocolo Índice de Desvantagem Vocal 10 (IDV-10). Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo Com Queixa (CQ) e Grupo Sem Queixa (SQ) com base no escore total do IDV-10. Os dados passaram por análise estatística descritiva e inferencial considerando o nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Participaram 43 cantores gospel com idade mediana de 34 anos, divididos entre 32 do grupo SQ e 11 do grupo CQ. O grupo CQ autorrelatou rouquidão e maior dificuldade ao cantar no EASE e maiores escores nos protocolos IDV-10 e IFV. Foi evidenciada correlação positiva entre a dificuldade ao cantar e a desvantagem vocal com a fadiga de cantores amadores gospel, sendo que essa correlação foi maior para o grupo SQ. CONCLUSÃO: Cantores com queixa vocal apresentaram maiores índices de fadiga vocal, desvantagem vocal e maior dificuldade para cantar após uma hora de apresentação. Cantores sem queixa podem ter a habilidade de cantar prejudicada pela fadiga vocal. Variações na habilidade ao cantar e desvantagens vocais de cantores amadores gospel podem ter relação direta com a fadiga vocal.

Doenças Profissionais , Canto , Distúrbios da Voz , Humanos , Adulto , Qualidade da Voz , Doenças Profissionais/diagnóstico , Distúrbios da Voz/diagnóstico , Distúrbios da Voz/etiologia , Autoimagem , Inquéritos e Questionários
Codas ; 35(6): e20210175, 2023.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37878976


PURPOSE: To analyze the perception of choristers who perform online rehearsals about symptoms, vocal disadvantages, adaptations in the singing routine and difficulties in rehearsals during social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. METHOD: Application of an online questionnaire investigating perceptions about the voice and singing routine and rehearsal of 141 choristers who did not have COVID-19 disease and continued in remote activity until April 2021. Participants were divided in two groups according to the age: G1 (18 to 54 years old) and G2 (55 years old or more). The data underwent descriptive and inferential analysis, considering a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: During distancing, both groups reported a decrease in singing time and felt more difficult to sing alone. Choir singers reported fewer throat infections during this period. Choir singers from G1 noticed a huskier voice, reported difficulty concentrating via videoconferencing, felt nervous to singing alone in virtual rehearsals and stressed recording the same song several times. G2 choristers reported more physical vocal symptoms such as: tired voice, varying throughout the day, and a weaker and more breathy voice. CONCLUSION: In social distancing, the choristers found it more difficult to sing by videoconference and had reduced singing practice time. Younger choir singers reported more emotional symptoms and older choir singers reported more vocal symptoms.

OBJETIVO: Analisar a percepção de coristas que realizam ensaios virtuais, quanto a sintomas, desvantagens vocais, adaptações na rotina de canto e dificuldades nos ensaios durante o distanciamento social devido a pandemia do COVID-19. MÉTODO: Aplicação de questionário online investigando percepções sobre a voz e rotina de canto e ensaio de 141 coristas que não tiveram a doença do COVID-19 e continuaram em atividade remota até abril de 2021. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com a faixa etária: G1 (18 a 54 anos) e G2 (55 anos ou mais). Os dados passaram por análise descritiva e inferencial, considerando-se nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Durante o distanciamento, ambos os grupos referiram diminuição do tempo de canto e acharam mais difícil cantar sozinhos. Os coristas referiram menor número de infecções de garganta nesse período. Coristas do G1 perceberam voz mais rouca, relataram dificuldade para se concentrar por videoconferência, sentiam-se nervosos ao cantarem sozinhos nos ensaios virtuais e estressados gravando várias vezes a mesma música. Coristas do G2 referiram mais sintomas vocais como: voz cansada, variando ao longo do dia, voz fraca e com mais ar. CONCLUSÃO: No distanciamento social, os coristas acharam mais difícil cantar por videoconferência e tiveram o tempo de prática de canto diminuído. Coristas mais jovens referiram mais sintomas emocionais e coristas com mais idade relataram mais sintomas vocais.

COVID-19 , Canto , Voz , Humanos , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Distanciamento Físico , Pandemias
J Voice ; 2023 Oct 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37867069


OBJECTIVE: Evaluate vocal quality in patients with OSA before and after continuous use of CPAP with a humidifier using subjective patient perception and clinical assessment. The hypothesis was that CPAP treatment with a humidifier would benefit voice quality. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized, sham-controlled, blinded clinical trial. METHODS: Forty-three natal males with obstructive sleep apnea for whom CPAP treatment was recommended following polysomnography were randomized into two therapy groups: CPAP and Sham-CPAP. Participants completed questionnaires on voice use, a voice self-assessment with the ten-item vocal handicap index (VHI-10), and complementary questionnaires: the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI), reflux symptoms index (LPRSI) and oral dryness visual analog scale (DRY). Their voices were recorded at three different times: before CPAP therapy, and after 3 and 6 months of continuous CPAP use. The acoustic voice quality index (AVQI), and an auditory-perceptual judgment (APJ) were also applied before and after the CPAP and Sham treatments. RESULTS: After 6 months of treatment, the CPAP group presented improvements in their sleep patterns; however, no statistically significant differences were observed between the groups in respect of the results of the voice-related questionnaires, the AVQI values, and the APJ of the voice quality. All of the participants had some degree of vocal deviation at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: CPAP therapy with a humidifier did not improve vocal quality as evaluated by the clinician or patient self-assessment. However, it did not have any significant negative effects on voice quality, so can be considered safe to use in male OSA patients.

J Voice ; 2023 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37666744


The terminology and classification of voice disorders are complex topics. For this reason, developing a consensus in the scientific community regarding such a topic would bring a wide range of benefits to this field of study. The study is originally divided into parts A and B, and part A explored general propositions of voice disorder classification systems. Now, Part B of this study explores the classification of voice disorders in specific conditions and diagnoses. A scoping review was performed after an electronic and manual search, resulting in the inclusion of 20 studies in Part B. The articles were published between 1993 and 2020, most of which originated from the United States. The specific conditions covered by the studies were muscle tension dysphonia (MTD), spasmodic dysphonia, dystonias, and psychogenic voice disorders, among others. The terminology used to refer to these conditions, especially when hyper-functional aspects of the larynx are involved also varied. Six studies proposed classification systems, while another 14 studies discussed classifications and/or stressed the need for additional studies regarding laryngeal conditions such as these. Among the studies that proposed classification methods, the number of groups varied between two and six, with MTD being the most studied condition. In conclusion, recent studies seek to reduce the number of classifying categories in voice disorders, despite understanding the specificity of wide-ranging clinical profiles. Disorder etiology is the foundation for these proposals. In Part B of this study, specific diagnoses of voice and laryngeal conditions are shown to be classified with a descriptive and visual approach, such as an examination of the larynx. Technological evolution can improve voice and laryngeal semiotics and lead to more automated classification of voice disorders.

Codas ; 35(5): e20210083, 2023.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37729254


Dynamic vocal analysis (DVA) is an auditory-perceptual and acoustic vocal assessment strategy that provides estimates on the biomechanics and aerodynamics of vocal production by performing frequency and intensity variation tasks and using voice acoustic spectrography. The objective of this experience report is to demonstrate the use of DVA in the assessment of vocal functionality of dysphonic and non-dysphonic individuals, with a special focus on the laryngeal musculature. Phonatory tasks consisted of sustained vowel, "a" or "é", and/or connected speech, in three intensities (habitual, soft, and loud) and three frequencies (habitual, high, and low), as well as ascending and descending glissando. The adjustments of the laryngeal and paralaryngeal muscles can be inferred from the different DVA tasks. The main characteristics of the laryngeal muscles analyzed are control of glottic adduction, stretching, and shortening of the vocal folds; the main characteristics of the paralaryngeal musculature are mainly related to the vertical laryngeal position in the neck. While the sustained vowel evaluates the vocal functionality with a focus on the larynx, connected speech allows the evaluation of the articulatory adjustments employed. An acoustic spectrographic software can be used to visualize the performance of such tasks. The clinical application of the DVA will be exemplified using acoustic spectrography plates from normal and dysphonic voices, taken from a voice bank. Individuals who perform the DVA tasks in a balanced way, with adequate vocal quality and without phonatory effort, demonstrate good vocal functionality. On the other hand, difficulties in performing these tasks with worsening vocal quality and/or increased muscle tension may be indications of altered vocal functionality.

O campo dinâmico vocal (CDV) é uma estratégia de avaliação vocal perceptivo-auditiva e acústica que oferece estimativas sobre a biomecânica e a aerodinâmica da produção vocal por meio da realização de tarefas de variação de frequência e de intensidade e do uso da espectrografia acústica da voz. Esse relato de experiência tem como objetivo demonstrar a aplicação do CDV na avaliação da funcionalidade vocal de indivíduos disfônicos e não-disfônicos, com foco especial na musculatura laríngea. As tarefas fonatórias envolvem emissão de vogal sustentada e/ou de fala encadeada em três intensidades autosselecionadas (habitual autorreferida, fraca e forte) e em três frequências (habitual autorreferida, aguda, grave), além do glissando. As tarefas de variação de intensidade e de frequência possibilitam a avaliação da musculatura laríngea no controle da adução glótica e do alongamento e encurtamento das pregas vocais. A tarefa de variação de frequência permite também a análise da musculatura extrínseca no controle da posição vertical da laringe no pescoço. Enquanto a vogal sustentada avalia a funcionalidade vocal com foco na laringe, a fala encadeada permite a avaliação dos ajustes articulatórios empregados. A aplicação do CDV será demonstrada por meio de pranchas espectrográficas de indivíduos normais e disfônicos. Indivíduos vocalmente saudáveis realizam as tarefas do CDV de forma equilibrada, com qualidade vocal adequada e sem esforço fonatório, denotando boa funcionalidade vocal. Por outro lado, indivíduos com dificuldade na realização das tarefas do CDV, com piora da qualidade vocal e/ou com aumento da tensão muscular, podem apresentar funcionalidade vocal alterada.

Laringe , Voz , Humanos , Fala , Fonação , Qualidade da Voz
Codas ; 35(3): e20220088, 2023.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37283366


PURPOSE: To map and describe the characteristics present in the publications of the CoDAS journal in the voice segment. RESEARCH STRATEGIES: The research was carried on the Scielo database using the descriptor voice. SELECTION CRITERIA: CoDAS publications in the field of voice. DATA ANALYSIS: Specific data collected according to delineation, summarized by descriptive analysis and analyzed in narrative format. RESULTS: Studies published in 2019 and with cross-sectional delineation were more frequent. The most frequent result in the cross-sectional studies was the vocal self-assessment. Most intervention studies were of immediate single-session-only effect. The most frequent procedures in the validation studies were translation and transcultural adaptation. CONCLUSION: There was a gradual increase in the number of publications of voice studies, though these had heterogeneous characteristics.

OBJETIVO: Mapear e descrever as características das publicações da revista CoDAS na área da voz. ESTRATÉGIA DE PESQUISA: Foi realizada uma busca eletrônica na base de dados Scielo pelo descritor voz. CRITÉRIOS DE SELEçÃO: Foram selecionados os estudos publicados na revista CoDAS, na área de voz. ANÁLISE DOS DADOS: Foram extraídos dados específicos por delineamento. Os dados foram sintetizados por análise descritiva, e analisados de forma narrativa. RESULTADOS: Foram mais frequentes estudos publicados em 2019, com delineamento transversal. Foram mais frequentes estudos com amostra na faixa etária de 18-59 anos. Nos estudos transversais, foi mais frequente a medida de resultado de autoavaliação vocal. Nos estudos de intervenção, a maioria foi de efeito imediato de uma sessão. Dentre os estudos de validação, foram mais frequentes os procedimentos de tradução e adaptação transcultural. CONCLUSÃO: Houve aumento gradual de estudos em voz, porém, as características das publicações foram heterogêneas.

Distúrbios da Voz , Voz , Humanos , Qualidade da Voz , Estudos Transversais , Autoavaliação (Psicologia)
J Voice ; 2023 Jun 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37344244


OBJECTIVE: To verify the reliability of vocal self-assessment tools in individuals with vocal complaints using a digital platform and in-person. METHODS: Data from 50 Brazilian adults with vocal complaints were collected. The participants answered the Voice Symptoms Scale (VoiSS), the Voice Handicap Index - 10 (VHI-10), and questions regarding personal information and their general health. The data collection occurred in two moments, within a period of 2-14 days, with time variation between participants, and always in the same collection order: 1. using a digital platform (Google Forms); 2. In-person. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using the SPSS 25.0 software and the Wilcoxon Test. RESULTS: The self-perception of vocal symptoms in the Emotional factors for women presented a statistical difference between the digital platform and the in-person response (P = 0.029); higher scores were observed when answers were given in-person compared to using a digital platform. CONCLUSION: Overall, the participants perceived their voice symptoms and voice handicap similarly when answers were given using a digital platform and in-person. The Emotion voice symptoms in women were the only exception, although remaining deviated; however, the perception of the symptoms may have been attenuated during the in-person care.

Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 27(2): 203-210, April-June 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440206


Abstract Introduction Musicians have an advantage over non-musicians in detecting, perceiving, and processing nonverbal (i.e., environmental sounds, tones and others) and verbal sounds (i.e., consonant, vowel, phrases and others) as well as instrumental sounds. In contrast to the high skill of musicians, there is another group of people who are tone-deaf and have difficulty in distinguishing musical sounds or singing in tune. These sounds can originate in different ways, such as a musical instrument, orchestra, or the human voice. Objectives The objective of the present work is to study frequency-following responses (FFRs) in individuals who can sing in-tune and those who sing off-tune. Methods Electrophysiological responses were recorded in 37 individuals divided in two groups: (i) control group (CG) with professional musicians, and (ii) experimental group (EG) with non-musicians. Results There was homogeneity between the two groups regarding age and gender. The CG had more homogeneous responses in the latency of the FFRs waves when responses between the right and left ears were compared to those of the EG. Conclusions This study showed that monaural stimulation (right or left) in an FFR test is useful for demonstrating impairment of speech perception in individuals who sing off tune. The response of the left ear appears to present more subtlety and reliability when identifying the coding of speech sound in individuals who sing off tune.

Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol ; 27(2): e203-e210, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37125359


Introduction Musicians have an advantage over non-musicians in detecting, perceiving, and processing nonverbal (i.e., environmental sounds, tones and others) and verbal sounds (i.e., consonant, vowel, phrases and others) as well as instrumental sounds. In contrast to the high skill of musicians, there is another group of people who are tone-deaf and have difficulty in distinguishing musical sounds or singing in tune. These sounds can originate in different ways, such as a musical instrument, orchestra, or the human voice. Objective The objective of the present work is to study frequency-following responses (FFRs) in individuals who can sing in-tune and those who sing off-tune. Methods Electrophysiological responses were recorded in 37 individuals divided in two groups: (i) control group (CG) with professional musicians, and (ii) experimental group (EG) with non-musicians. Results There was homogeneity between the two groups regarding age and gender. The CG had more homogeneous responses in the latency of the FFRs waves when responses between the right and left ears were compared to those of the EG. Conclusion This study showed that monaural stimulation (right or left) in an FFR test is useful for demonstrating impairment of speech perception in individuals who sing off tune. The response of the left ear appears to present more subtlety and reliability when identifying the coding of speech sound in individuals who sing off tune.

J Voice ; 2023 May 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37147140


OBJECTIVE: To verify if the teacher's vocal quality can influence the student's cognition. METHODS: The present study is a scoping review performed to answer the research question: Can the teacher's vocal quality influence the student's learning and cognition?. To verify if the teacher's vocal quality can influence the student's cognition. The electronic search was performed in PubMed, Lilacs, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, and databases, in addition to a manual search in citation and gray literature. Two independent authors performed selection and extraction. Data were extracted about the study design: the sample, the cognitive tests used, the assessed cognitive skills, the type of altered voice (real or simulated), the assessment of the vocal quality, alone or associated with environmental noise, and the main outcomes evaluated. RESULTS: The initial research identified 476 articles, and 13 were selected for analysis. Seven (54%) studies evaluated the impact of altered voices in an isolated way on cognitive abilities. From these, they verified that the altered voices could negatively influence children's cognitive performance. Other 6 studies (46%) associated altered voices with competitive noise in their analysis, and 4 concluded that competitive noise rather than altered voices influenced students' cognitive performance. CONCLUSION: The altered voice seems to affect the cognitive tasks involved in the learning process. The competitive noise associated with the presentation of deviant voices had a stronger influence on cognitive performance than altered voice alone, demonstrating that cognitive performance is sensitive to the stages of information acquisition (input of acoustic signals).

J Voice ; 2023 May 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37149394


OBJECTIVE: To map the evidence on vocal intervention in people over 18 years old. METHODS: A literature search was conducted using the following electronic databases: Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), LIVIVO, Pubmed/Medline, Scopus, SpeechBITE, and Web of Science. Gray literature was also used as an information source through searches on Google Scholar, Open Grey, ProQuest Dissertation and Thesis, and the Brazilian digital library of theses and dissertations. Systematic reviews (SR) with a population of individuals over 18 years old were included. The included reviews addressed speech-language pathology interventions in the vocal area with reports of their respective outcome. The methodological quality of the included systematic reviews was analyzed using the AMSTAR II tool. Quantitative analysis was performed by frequency distribution, and qualitative research was analyzed through narrative synthesis. RESULTS: A total of 2,443 references were retrieved, among which 20 studies met the inclusion criteria. The included studies had critically low quality, lacking the use of population, intervention, comparison, and outcome (PICO) components. Among the included SRs, 40% were made in Brazil, 45% were published in the Journal of Voice, and 75% analyzed dysphonic patients. The most frequent intervention was voice therapy (direct therapy associated with indirect therapy approaches). Positive results were observed in most of the outcomes for all studies. CONCLUSION: Voice therapy was described as inducing positive effects for voice rehabilitation. However, due to the critically low quality of studies, the literature did not enable us to understand the best results for each intervention. Well-designed studies are necessary to clarify the relationship between the intervention goal and how the intervention was evaluated.

Codas ; 35(2): e20210198, 2023.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36888744


PURPOSE: To compare the vowel emission and number counting tasks in perceptual-auditory differentiation among children with and without laryngeal lesions. METHODS: Observational, analytical, and cross-sectional methods were used. Medical records of 44 children were selected from a database of an otorhinolaryngology service at a University Hospital and they were divided into groups: without laryngeal lesion (WOLL), and with laryngeal lesion (WLL), with 33 and 11 children. For the auditory-perceptual evaluation, the vocal samples were separated according to the type of task. They were analyzed separately by a judge who analyzed the general degree of vocal deviation and assessed whether the child would pass or fail in the face of a screening situation. RESULTS: There was a difference between the WOLL and WLL groups in terms of the overall degree of vocal deviation for the task of number counting, with a predominance of mild deviations in WOLL and moderate in WLL. In the screening, there was a difference between the groups during the number counting task, with more failures in the WLL. The groups were similar in the sustained vowel task, both in terms of the overall degree of vocal deviation and the vocal screening. Most children in the WLL failed in both tasks during vocal screening compared to the children in the WOLL who, in general, failed in only one task. CONCLUSION: The task of number counting contributes to the auditory differentiation in children with and without laryngeal lesion, by identifying deviations of greater intensity in children with laryngeal lesion.

OBJETIVO: comparar as tarefas de emissão de vogal e de contagem de números na diferenciação perceptivo-auditiva de crianças com e sem lesão laríngea. MÉTODO: Estudo observacional, analítico, transversal. Utilizou-se banco de dados de uma pesquisa de doutorado, com resultados de avaliações laringológicas e gravação de amostras vocais de 44 crianças que se dividiram em: Grupo sem lesão laríngea (GSLL), com 33 crianças; e grupo com lesão laríngea (GCLL), com 11 crianças. Para a avaliação perceptivo-auditiva, as amostras vocais foram separadas de acordo com o tipo de tarefa e analisadas separadamente por uma juíza, que analisou o grau geral do desvio vocal e informou se, diante de uma situação de triagem, a criança passaria ou falharia. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença entre os grupos GSLL e GCLL quanto ao grau geral do desvio vocal para tarefa de emissão de números, com predomínio de desvios discretos no GSLL e moderados no GCLL. Quanto à triagem, houve diferença entre os grupos para a tarefa de contagem, com mais falhas no GCLL. Os grupos foram semelhantes na tarefa de vogal, tanto no que se refere à intensidade do desvio quanto ao resultado da triagem. A maior parte das crianças do GCLL falhou em ambas as tarefas na situação de triagem vocal, com diferença em relação às crianças do GSLL que, em geral, falharam em apenas uma tarefa. CONCLUSÃO: A tarefa de contagem de números contribui para a diferenciação auditiva de crianças com e sem lesão laríngea, por identificar desvios de maior intensidade em crianças com lesão.

Distúrbios da Voz , Voz , Humanos , Criança , Fala , Qualidade da Voz , Estudos Transversais , Distúrbios da Voz/diagnóstico , Acústica da Fala